The Three Baronesses of Castel Rouge The Three Baronesses of Castel Rouge

Awards presented at Kingdom A&S Faire on 2/29/2020

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Laurel Bruno Lachner Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Cypher, Consort's Caitriona inghean Criomthainn Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Saltire, Order of the Cecily of York Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Brigits Flame, Order of Geirråðr hersir Kolbeinson Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Vigil for Laurel Lusche della Cassiago Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Laurel Lusche della Cassiago Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Cypher, Consort's Marcial de Salas Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Cypher, Consort's Morgan Olander Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Court Baron/Baroness Rachell Baker Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Award of Arms Sarah of Caer Anterth Mawr Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Vigil for Pelican Siegfried von Kulmbach Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Cypher, Consort's Sorcha Bhuidhe Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Cypher, Consort's Taion Orbanus Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Palfrey, Award of the Vladimir Radescu Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette
Cypher, Consort's Wu Yun Kingdom of Northshield Jehanette

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