You're never too young to learn to accessorize You're never too young to learn to accessorize
Award: Cygnus, Award of the
Persona: Eadmund sweordhwíta
Presenting Branch/Group: Kingdom of Northshield
Presented on 8/27/2022 at ST Radegund's A&S Faire ( 4 other awards given at this event.)
Presenting Royalty: Ajax and Gaia
Calligraphy & Illumination by Farolfus filius Richardi , Composing by Katerinka Lvovicha . Displayed with permission. Please contact the scribe(s) for permission if you wish to copy or use this artwork.
Picture of Award
Award/Scroll Wording:
the text is adapted from the Venerable Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People. The Latin translates as: 
 At your request, I have newly published for you to read this summary of the good works of Eadmund Sweordhwita, for more full consideration.
For if the Crown recognizes the good works of good people, the attentive listener is excited to imitate that which is good, and is more earnestly excited to perform those things which they know to be good in service to the kingdom.
Wherein it is to be observed that in what I have recorded concerning our most faithful Eadmund Sweordhwita, I do faithfully relay what I found written of him by the populace of the kingdom; and at the same time took care to add such things as I could myself learn from the faithful testimony of those who know him.
Knowing these things, I must recognize the sincerity and zeal with which Eadmund conducts himself in the society, with joyful service and cheerful countenance, and I commend him to you for the Award of the Cygnus, which you have given to him by the hand of your regent this day at the Feast of Saint Radegund, A.S.57. And I, who, as the true rule of history requires, have labored sincerely to commit to writing such things for posterity, do so mark your will and you, by your hands and seal, your intent to acknowledge him forthwith.
Notes about the Award/Scroll:
Based on MS Cotton Tiberius A. XIV

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