Seamus mac Brehon Seamus mac Brehon
Award: Award of Arms
Persona: Collette
Presenting Branch/Group: Kingdom of Northshield
Presented on 3/14/2019 at Gulf Wars XXVIII ( 25 other awards given at this event.)
Presenting Royalty: Vladimir III and Petranella III
Reason: She is quiet but never hesitates to lend a hand. She has done water bearing at a few WWs, as well as at Gulf wars. She jumps in to to help with things that need doing like setting up chairs or helping people load and unload vehicles. She has acted as royal retainer. She has done some basic sewing and made silk banners as well as other cloth banners and floor cloths.
Calligraphy & Illumination by Judith of Northwode . Displayed with permission. Please contact the scribe(s) for permission if you wish to copy or use this artwork.
Picture of Award

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