Taryn Maeve MacTavish Taryn Maeve MacTavish
Court Date: 9/24/2022 (Court #1)
Event Name: The Griffin Needle Challenge**DATE CHANGE**
Presenting Royalty: Guenievre and Tom III
Reporter: Abelard die Elster
Herald: Abelard die Elster
The Honorable Lady Amytis de la Fontaine was present as Seneschal. The youth officers of record (supervising the toy run) were Baron Abelard and The Honorable Lady Amytis.

Demona de Whytford, Mistress of the Pelican, was given the legacy Pelican medallion of Northshield to wear for the day, as it was not available for her Pelican ceremony.

Newcomer mugs were presented to two individuals for whom this was their first royal court.
The toy run was performed by The Honorable Lord Joseph Leveson.

Awards Presented

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