Persona Name |
Presenting Branch Name |
Court Date |
Event Name |
Presenting Royalty |
Ariella diLombardi & Valgarth Raudskegg |
Principality of Northshield |
Barony of Castel Rouge |
Principality of Northshield |
Caer Anterth Mawr |
Principality of Northshield |
Falcon's Keep, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
House Blue Rose |
Principality of Northshield |
Korsvag Sewing Guild |
Principality of Northshield |
Mare Amethystinum, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
Midewinde, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
Midewinde, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
Midewinde, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
Mor Ni Lachnan |
Principality of Northshield |
Olaf Blodhox |
Principality of Northshield |
Padruig Maclennan |
Principality of Northshield |
Pete the Sot |
Principality of Northshield |
Rockhaven, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
Schattentor, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
Shattered Oak, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
Svaty Sebesta, College of |
Principality of Northshield |
Trewint, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
Western Keep, Shire of |
Principality of Northshield |
Windhaven, Barony of |
Principality of Northshield |
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Kingdom of Northshield. Original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.