Countess Guenievre du Dragon Vert Countess Guenievre du Dragon Vert
Torse - Blazon:

Torse (Total Presented: 15)

  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Agamemnon Platylithodae Kingdom of Calontir
Angus de Botha Kingdom of Calontir
Angus Ulrich Kingdom of Calontir
Christian d'Hiver Kingdom of Calontir
Conn MacNeil Kingdom of Calontir
Dahrien Cordell Kingdom of Calontir
Duncan Douglas MacPherson Kingdom of Calontir
Durand Fitz Robert Kingdom of Calontir
Eleanor Isabeau du Coeur Kingdom of Calontir
Gabriel Kjotvason Kingdom of Calontir
Ida Lundy Kingdom of Calontir
Robina M'Baine Kingdom of Calontir
Seonaid ingen Domnaill Kingdom of Calontir
Suzanne de la Ferté Kingdom of Calontir
Thora Sigurdsdottir Kingdom of Calontir

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