Duchess AEsa Gilsdottir Duchess AEsa Gilsdottir
Royal Vanguard - Blazon:

Royal Vanguard (Total Presented: 18)

  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Adrien de Troyes Kingdom of Middle
Andrew Greencloak Kingdom of Middle
Antonio Franco di Milano Kingdom of Middle
Belrix of Blue Rose Kingdom of Middle
Boris Movila Kingdom of Middle
Dorian of the Blue Moon Kingdom of Middle
Elijah Cameron of Black Isle Kingdom of Middle
Gevehard von Baden Kingdom of Middle
Gunther KegSlayer Kingdom of Middle
Isaac Fynn Kingdom of Middle
Kassandra Tenebrosa Kingdom of Middle
Michael St. Christian Kingdom of Middle
Morgan Olander Kingdom of Middle
Robert the Thunderous Kingdom of Middle
Sibyl Sevenoke Kingdom of Middle
Siegfried von Kulmbach Kingdom of Middle
Tom Tinntinnabulum Kingdom of Middle
Tristan von Eisig Kingdom of Middle

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