Cehero Okensword making a bow Cehero Okensword making a bow

Kingdom Central Deputy Rapier Marshal

Vladimir Radescu

(Name Hidden)
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Took Office: 06/15/2024
Previous Officers
Persona Name Email Start Date End Date Term
Vladimir Radescu Login to view 6/15/2024 Active 4 months
Tarien Dane Login to view 2/14/2022 6/15/2024 28 months
Margalit Medicus Login to view 9/9/2016 2/14/2022 65 months
Jean Robert LeMarchand de Sel Login to view 6/1/2014 9/9/2016 27 months
Faelan MacMillan Login to view 9/23/2011 6/1/2014 33 months
Edward of Kent Login to view 4/2/2010 9/23/2011 17 months
Margalit Medicus Login to view 12/1/2007 4/2/2010 28 months
Teffan Koerwent Login to view 10/16/2004 12/1/2007 38 months

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