Aaron Martin and Joan Martin of Cheshire Aaron Martin and Joan Martin of Cheshire

Emergency Deputy Earl Marshal

Countess Gwenhwyvar verch Owen ap Morgan

(Gwen Davan)
Address Hidden
Phone Hidden
Took Office: 09/11/2022
Photograph of Gwenhwyvar verch Owen ap Morgan
Position Details
The Emergency Deputy is to act in place of the Earl Marshal in case of emergency or unavoidable absence.
Previous Officers
Persona Name Email Start Date End Date Term
Gwenhwyvar verch Owen ap Morgan Login to view 9/11/2022 Active 25 months
Tom Tinntinnabulum Login to view 9/8/2018 9/11/2022 48 months
Vladimir Radescu Login to view 1/7/2017 9/8/2018 20 months
Lars Wolfsblut Login to view 10/10/2016 1/7/2017 3 months
Hideyoshi Yoshimitsu no Kami Nobunaga Login to view 5/21/2015 10/10/2016 17 months
Kitakaze Tatsu Raito Login to view 4/14/2015 5/21/2015 1 months
Ansila the Goth Login to view 4/15/2013 4/14/2015 24 months
Kitakaze Tatsu Raito Login to view 9/17/2011 4/15/2013 19 months
Alexandre Blackstone Login to view 8/1/2007 9/17/2011 49 months
Tristan von Eisig Login to view 10/16/2004 5/12/2007 31 months

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