Viscountess Astrid of the Yellow Rose Viscountess Astrid of the Yellow Rose

Blawhorn Herald (Field Heraldry Deputy)

THL Derbáil ingen Néill

(Amanda Castro)
1300 Parkside Drive Marshall MN 56258 United States
(218) 290-3895
Took Office: 09/26/2019
Photograph of Derbáil ingen Néill
Position Details
Responsible for Crown Tournament vocal heraldry, may assist at large tournaments or other local events on request. Time commitment: variable
Previous Officers
Persona Name Email Start Date End Date Term
Derbáil ingen Néill Login to view 9/26/2019 Active 61 months
Bridget ni Cathasaigh Login to view 6/15/2017 4/30/2019 22 months
Katerinka Lvovicha Login to view 4/9/2016 6/15/2017 14 months
Geirråðr hersir Kolbeinson Login to view 6/1/2014 11/6/2015 17 months
Katerinka Lvovicha Login to view 1/2/2012 6/1/2014 29 months
Yehudah ben Yitzhak Login to view 9/12/2009 12/3/2011 27 months
Ysolt Pais de cuer Login to view 10/16/2004 9/12/2009 59 months

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