Natalia of Falcon's Keep and Jean du MalChance Natalia of Falcon's Keep and Jean du MalChance

Eastern Regional Exchequer

Lady Asabella of Caer Anterth Mawr

(Elizabeth Johnson)
5621 Berry Ct Greendale WI 53129 USA
(414) 418-1206
Took Office: 04/04/2022
Previous Officers
Persona Name Email Start Date End Date Term
Asabella of Caer Anterth Mawr Login to view 4/4/2022 Active 30 months
Riva of Darkstone Login to view 2/13/2018 4/4/2022 50 months
Michael St. Christian Login to view 1/13/2018 2/13/2018 1 months
Dyonisia Buleheued Login to view 3/7/2016 1/13/2018 22 months
Jean du MalChance Login to view 4/20/2012 3/7/2016 47 months
Michael St. Christian Login to view 4/14/2010 4/20/2012 24 months
Mira Stonegatherer Login to view 10/16/2004 4/14/2010 66 months

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