Brothers in Arms Brothers in Arms
Previous Officers
Persona Name Email Start Date End Date Term
Iohannes Glenfidanus Login to view 11/1/2023 2/26/2024 3 months
Abelard die Elster Login to view 2/17/2018 11/1/2023 69 months
Teffan Koerwent Login to view 4/11/2015 2/17/2018 34 months
Abelard die Elster Login to view 3/10/2015 4/11/2015 1 months
Elis Godbeare Login to view 4/14/2012 3/10/2015 35 months
Teffan Koerwent Login to view 1/3/2012 4/14/2012 3 months
Kit Marik syn Login to view 1/19/2010 1/3/2012 24 months
Elis Godbeare Login to view 5/11/2009 9/12/2009 4 months
Elizabeth Von Kulmbach Login to view 10/4/2007 5/11/2009 19 months

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