HRM Eilis & Majer Déva at Gulf Wars HRM Eilis & Majer Déva at Gulf Wars

Novices, Neophytes and Knaves III

Hosted by: Shire of Turm an dem See

Start Date: 9/29/2012 Thru End Date: 9/29/2012 47
Mauthe Center
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay WI 54311

Planned Activities: Classes , Dancing

Welcome to Novices, Neophytes and Knaves III! THE event to attend for all those new to the SCA!

This year's event of classes about all of the beautiful things the SCA has to offer will be different than any other recent event in the Kingdom. Every event position will be fulfilled by a member of the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay's student SCA group. That's right, a student who is essentially a newcomer themselves, will be taking on the job of helping make an SCA event happen. Please, come and support them. Offer words of wisdom and regale them with stories of the SCA and your event running experience.

And as always with Novices, Neophytes and Knaves, there will be classes, classes and more classes about the SCA. If you are new to and interested in the SCA, this is the event to attend! An event with no pressures or pretenses, come and learn about the SCA and its numerous activities as well as what a feast is, how court is run and many other "behind the scenes" activities.

On top of the numerous and awesome classes that will occur a feast, limited to 50 attendees, will be held. Come and display the beauty of the bardic arts that make each feast always an exciting time.

Following feast, there will be time to dance and be merry. Discuss new ideas and topics you learned about through the day with all of the new friends you made.

Come and enjoy the SCA and come enjoy Novices, Neophytes and Knaves III!

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