Leif & Siegfried doing their calisthenics Leif & Siegfried doing their calisthenics

Rose Tournament

Hosted by: Shire of Shattered Oak (Inactive)

Start Date: 6/17/2011 Thru End Date: 6/19/2011 46
Eau Claire County Exposition Center
5530 Fairview Drive
Eau Claire WI 54701

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities , Dancing , Rapier Combat , Thrown Weapons

Hosted by the Shire of Shattered Oak and the Ladies of the Rose of Northshield.

Come, Cheer for your favorite Lady of the Rose as their chosen champions compete in a series of tournaments dedicated in their Honour.

Competitions include both Belted and Unbelted tournaments, Rapier tournaments, a combination tournament, and an Arts and Sciences competition.

There will also be a Grand feast followed by a Dance, and a place set aside both nights for bardic circle.

Site opens at 2 pm on Friday and closes at 2 pm on Sunday.

Site fees:

At the Gate: $14 adult / $7 ages 5-15
Pre-Reg: $10 adult / $5 ages 5-15.
Children under 5 are free.
There will be a $10/tent camping fee and a $50/family maximum.
The $5 non-member surcharge must be collected as well.

Feast will be $12 per person if paid when pre-registering or $14 if paid at troll.
Feast will be limited to 150 people.

Pre-registrations are due by Friday, June 3, 2011.

Checks should be made out to SCA-WI - Shire of Shattered Oak, and may be sent to the Autocrat.

Merchants will be subject to a $10 merchant fee in addition to gate and tent fees.

Site is Handicap Accessible and wet.

For more information, please see the event page at http://www.shattered-oak.org/

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