Wulfric Ferreter Wulfric Ferreter

Woodland Romp

Hosted by: Shire of Skerjastrond

Start Date: 6/18/2010 Thru End Date: 6/20/2010 45
Far Quar Metsa Campground
Southgate Road
Gwinn MI

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat

Welcome to Woodland Romp 2010!

"Vikings! We're just Skerry! (and...no more fire ants)"

Site opens at 9am Saturday but campers may come anytime after 5pm on Friday, The site closes at 11am Sunday.

Same place, slightly different time. It will be warmer, larger, and fun filled! Woodland Romp is again a camping event. This year's event is Viking themed! If you have Viking garb, wear it, but Viking garb is not required.

The Event Steward is Liz Roberts (Eistein of Skerjastrond).
The Feast Steward is Andrew Wiesmann (accompanied by Mira).

Site fee: $7 per person ($3 surcharge for non-members)
Feast fee: $13 per person
Family cap: $50
Site is discreetly damp

There are showers and flushies! Electricity is available for an extra fee, to be determined at a later date!

Are you interested in teaching a class? How about being a merchant? Get in touch with Liz (Eistein)!

Woodland Romp 2010 to include:

  • Heavy armored Combat
  • Rapier Combat
  • Merchants
  • Classes (Viking wire weaving, Scandinavian plants, Viking history, and more!)
  • A&S display (with potential competition if enough)
  • Camping
  • Feast (Rat on a stick!)
  • Beautiful UP backdrop and plenty trails to hike

More info about armored combat to come as we know, but the possibility of a melee is definite!

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