Corin du Soliel as king of the Midrealm at Pennsic 14 with two of his squires (Aylmar de North Allerton.and Grendalad who would become Danr) Corin du Soliel as king of the Midrealm at Pennsic 14 with two of his squires (Aylmar de North Allerton.and Grendalad who would become Danr)


Hosted by: College of Svatý Sebesta

Start Date: 2/13/2010 Thru End Date: 2/13/2010 44
Clay County Fairground
515 High Street
Vermillion SD 57069

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Display , Arts & Sciences Competition , Rapier Combat
Clay County Fairgrounds
515 High St
Vermillion SD 57069

Time:    9:00am - 10:00pm

Directions: I29 to exit 26 (Hwy 50-Yankton/Vermillion Exit) Turn Westand go 7 miles to Vermillion. Continue through town on Hwy 50 (CherrySt.). Turn left (South) at Fairgrounds (High St) SCA signs will markthe turn in town.

Svaty Sebesta hosts its annual Battle of Hearts, wherein combatantsselect a lord or lady and fight for their honor and the virtue ofCourtly Love. Tourneys for armoured combat and rapier fighters arefollowed by a feast honoring the champions and their escorts.

Site Fee: $3 members $6 non-members A free-will lunch will be available on site.
No merchant fee, but limited space.

Feast Fee: $7, under 13 - $2, under 5 free.

Site: handicapped-accessible    Dry Site

Site Stewart: Eilis mac Maurice 530 Elm #70 Vermillion, SD 57069 605-624-3792

Head Cook: Thomas MacPaul the Younger, PO Box 1, Vermillion,SD 57069 605-638-0641

No Advance Reservations are necessary.

Make checks payable to: SCA, Inc. - College of Svaty Sebesta


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