Gwendolyn de Lindsey Gwendolyn de Lindsey

Rhythm and Bruise 2; Feast of the Last Prince

Hosted by: Shire of Korsväg

Start Date: 11/7/2009 Thru End Date: 11/7/2009 44
Moorhead National Guard Armory
1002 15th Ave N.
Moorhead MN 56560

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities , Dancing , Rapier Combat

What would a Kingdom be without inspiration? How could any function without some noble soul showing us all the way? The theme of this year will be those who inspire us. There is a tale from the infancy of our realm, of a mysterious Prince. They say it was his actions and deeds that inspired our Principality to find it's own way. Some say that his courage and stirring words wrought such determination that an army was brought to heel.

So in recognition of this legendary figure, we will gather. We will celebrate those who inspire us, and those whom we inspire. Bring your sword and armor and fight in the many tournaments. Bring your A&S projects and speak of what inspired your creation. Come for our feast where we will raise a glass to the ancestors who enabled all that we have.

Questions or comments, feel free to contact the event steward, Kita Jiru Toramassa at

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