The Applegate family and Viscountess Elashava bas Riva The Applegate family and Viscountess Elashava bas Riva

The Catfish Ball

Hosted by: Barony of Jararvellir

Start Date: 11/15/2025 Thru End Date: 11/15/2025 60
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
6205 University Avenue
Madison WI 53705

Planned Activities: Classes , Dancing

Join us for a Day of Dancing and Arts & Sciences, followed by an evening Ball!


Tentative Schedule:

8:00AM-Site Opens for Staff and Royals/High Seats

9:00AM-Site Opens to Populace

10:00AM-4:00PM: Classes

5:00PM-6:00PM: Court (if Desired)

6:00PM: Feast

7:00PM-9:00PM: Ball

10:00PM: Site Closes

Site Fees:


Adult Site Fee:                          $20

Adult Member Site Fee:                 $10 

Youth (17 and Under) Site Fee:                 Free

Feast  (Preregistered Only, 40 paid seats max)      $15

Royalty:                                 Complimentary for all sitting Royals (+1 Retainer)                

Jararvellir High Seats:                Complimentary

Checks Payable to:                        SCA WI Inc - Barony of Jararvellir

Site Information:

-No merchant or crash space available on site

-For Classes, Open flame possible, but must discuss with the site what the flame is to be used for

-Accessibility and Inclusivity: Fully ADA Compliant

Feast Information:

-Menu at the discretion of Thegn Samson Muskovich, Dessert Revel to follow

-Preregistered Only, 40 paid seats max, $15 per head

Event Steward: James de Beaumont (Jeff Yanke)

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