Moments after Valerius Paencalvus won Middle Kingdom Crown for Fern de la Foret (circa 1984) Moments after Valerius Paencalvus won Middle Kingdom Crown for Fern de la Foret (circa 1984)

Fighting in the Shade - A day of combat-archery centered activities

Hosted by: Barony of Jararvellir

Start Date: 3/4/2023 Thru End Date: 3/4/2023 57
UW Stock Pavillion
1675 Linden Dr
Madison WI 53706

Site opens at 9am, closes at 5pm

SIte fee: None, but donations will be accepted.

Event Steward: Madona Ginevra Maddalena di Tomaso Volpe/Tracy Bossinger
608-556-2879 (texts OK, no calls after 8:30pm, please)

MIC: Countess Gwenhwyfar verch Owen ap Morgan/Gwen Davan

Other informaion: 

The Stock Pavilion is an animal use facility and no food or drink are allowed inside. We will have a list of local restaurants available with a variety of options for dine-in, delivery or takeout. 
Site is mostly accessible - there are ramps for entry, accessible restrooms, and a ramp to the main event floor, which is dirt and gravel. There are no child-centered activities planned, and there will be space for populace spectators - space is limited for presence setup as seating is tiers. Safety glasses will be required for spectators in the stands.

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