Master Solomon ben Jacob the Levite Master Solomon ben Jacob the Levite

A Simple Harvest Event

Hosted by: Shire of Korsväg

Start Date: 11/5/2022 Thru End Date: 11/5/2022 57
Hawley Community Center
418 Main St
Hawley MN 56549

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Bardic Activities , Classes , Rapier Combat , Youth Activities
Welcome all gentles to Korsvag's Simple Harvest Event.

Come enjoy a day of fun and relaxation with us now that the heat of summer has passed and the winter's snows have yet to bury us. We will hold novice tourneys for both rapier and armored, with a combined arms tourney following. There is space for classes and youth activities, with lots of time of bardic fun. 

Lunch with be our ever famous soup challenge for a free will donation. If you think you have a winning recipe, feel free to bring some soup in a crockpot and challenge us.

Feast will be free for all till we run out of food with the menu being announced on FB two weeks before the event.

There is an Americiin in Hawley and many more in Fargo/Moorhead which is a short 20 minute drive away.
Some crash space may be available, or for those brave souls there is tent sites at Master Bayards Folly with access to a warm building and bathroom if it gets too cold ( also where the post rev will be).

Site opens 10am
Site closes 9pm

Site fee is $15.00
Member Site Fe $10.00

Checks payable to: SCA Inc-Shire of Korsvag

Event Steward: Duke Hrodir (Sam Overland)

Site is accessible. 


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