Brotherhood of the Crimson Cup's  Flagship Brotherhood of the Crimson Cup's Flagship


Hosted by: Shire of Rivenwood Tower

Start Date: 2/25/2023 Thru End Date: 2/25/2023 57
Garden City Community Center
114 West Pleasant st
Garden Ctiy MN 56034

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Classes , Rapier Combat

Join us for a relaxing day of fighting,feasting, gaming, and friendship. This year will be Super! There will be no weather issues! We hope!

Site Opens at 9:00 AM and closes at 10:00 PM

Fees: Site: $15 Adult registration, $10 Adult Members, Ages 17and under free for site.

Food:  Fees and Menu will be on the event site. You may bring your own food and there is off board seating.

Pre-Registration is not required. Pre Reg opens January16, 2023 and Closes February 11, 2023 (2/11/23)  Link will be on the event site. 
If you would like to mail a paid reservation send it to:

        Richard Tate, 2040Cadbury Court, North Mankato MN 56003, Deadline is February 11, 2023 (2/11/23)

        Make Checks payable to: SCA,Inc Shire of Rivenwood Tower


Event Steward: Baroness Nell the Innocent (Linda HebertPrahl) phone 507-463-4593, (prefers texts to calls) put Lupercalia in the subject line of emails.

MarshallActivities: What will the Bunny do this year? We’re hosting Armored Combat and Rapier Tournaments.  

Food: There will be fabulous foods! You may bring your own food for during the day and feast. There is off board seating.

There will be some space for crock pot, roaster space, single electric burners. The site has a tiny, tiny kitchen space and it won't be available.

If you need prep space/time you must contact the event stewards at least one week prior to the event.

Merchant space is available at no cost. Reserve a spot by contacting the event steward. A limited number of tables are available by request.

Site Information

·            *Site is accessible including bathrooms and showers. There are showers on site! There are two locker rooms.     The showers are accessible.

          *Site is discreetly damp

·           *The site is in a small unincorporated town. There are no gas stations or stores. The closest store and gas          station are in Madelia on Highway60, Lake Crystal on Highway 60, or Mankato.

·            *There is Populace space. If you plan to set up a large presence,please contact one of the event stewards. 

       *Children are appreciated and welcome to attend. There will be child friendly games and classes.

·           FunFact! Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar starts during Lupercalia.  



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