Don Lazarus Gauge Don Lazarus Gauge

Kingdom A&S Competition

Hosted by: Shire of Trewint

Start Date: 2/9/2019 Thru End Date: 2/9/2019 53
Watertown City Auditorium
125 S Broadway
Watertown SD 57201

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Competition
Site opens 7AM for royalty and artists 
                9AM for populace
Site closes 8PM

Adults (18 & above) $15
Adult member          $10
Children (5-17)        $5
Lunch                      $3

Checks payable: SCA Inc-Shire of Trewint

Hotel Reservations at:

o   Country Inn (Mention SCA)

o   3400 8th Ave SE, Watertown, SD 57201

o   (605) 886-8900

o   *NOTE* - The Watertown Farm Show is the same weekend, while it will not disturb our activities, hotels can fill up quickly. The Shire urges you to reserve early.

Stewards -Judith of Northwode and Richard of Mourningwode

o   Sara & Cully Simon


o   605-237-0677 (no calls after 7pm please)

·        Accessibility:

o   Site is a multi-story building. Court/Display areas and Royalty Room will be upstairs and lunch/populace space downstairs. There is a chair lift along the stairway, ramps can be made available to main competition floor only with prior notice, however they are strictly for wheelchairs/mobility scooters.

o   Service animals only.

o   Please contact Event Steward with questions, photos available on our website. 

·        Populace Space

o   Will be available on the lower level, competition and Royalty Room on the main level, there is also stadium seating above the competition area.

·        No Merchant Space or Children’s Activities

·        Lunch Menu

o   Choice of Loaded Bacon Potato Soup or Vegetable Soup

o   Bread Selection

o   Baked Goods


Please see our website at: for updated information on entries. Site is dry, however, brewing and vinting projects are welcome. 


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