How to amuse Royalty!?! How to amuse Royalty!?!

Play Day in Coldedernhale

Hosted by: Shire of Coldedernhale

Start Date: 12/8/2018 Thru End Date: 12/8/2018 53
First United Methodist Church Community Center
117 N Central Ave
Pierre SD 57501

We are holding a play day!  Come join us as we work on crafts, cook in two kitchens, talk, eat, learn from each other, and practice the arts martial.  There are ample tables and chairs, with plenty of room to spread out a project.  You can practice that difficult recipe and get helpful feedback, cut out massive amounts of fabric, spread out your illumination materials, and do just about any craft.  We will have 2 areas set up for both heavy and rapier practice – both a little small, but workable.

There will also be a Kingdom A&S Competition corner:  get any question you’ve ever had about that event answered, as well as getting assistance in doing documentation, making your entry, understanding the paperwork, anything else you have wondered about, and even help in deciding whether to enter or not.

Domina Berenice will be running the kitchen for a simple lunch.  Contact her at with any dietary concerns.  Everyone is welcome to bring in food from outside as well as using the kitchen to cook something.
Site opens/closes:  8 am – 6 pm

Site Fee: By Donation

Lunch:  by donation

Other food is welcome and can be made on site in the kitchen.

Merchant Space available, contact autocrat to reserve; No merchant fee.

Checks payable to:  SCA Inc – Shire of Coldedernhale.

Reservations/deadlines:  None

Autocrat:  THL Valbrandr Torvason

Monty Shorter

Lunchocrat:  Domina Berenice Calvina

Laura Waack

Handicapped Accessibility and service animals allowed

Children are welcome but there will not be any activities planned for them

Ample room for populace and presences

Site is bone dry.

Showers on site

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