Heinrich von Btandenburg and "mini-me" Heinrich von Btandenburg and "mini-me"

Crown Tourney

Hosted by: Shire of Midewinde

Start Date: 10/11/2008 Thru End Date: 10/11/2008 43
Minot Municipal Auditorium
420 3rd Avenue SW
Minot ND 58701

Planned Activities: Armored Combat

The Shire of Midewinde cordially invites you to attend

The Kingdom of Northshield’s

Fall Crown Tournament

October 11, 2008


Minot Municipal Auditorium - 420 3rd Ave NW - Minot, ND 58703


Site is handicap accessible. No pets, smoking or alcohol!


Site opens 8:30 am for combatants, consorts and merchants, 9:30 am for populace. Site closes at 10:00 pm.


Adult Site (ages 14 and up): $10.00   Youth Site (ages 5 to 13): $5.00

Child Site (ages 4 and under): Free

An additional Non-Member Surcharge of $3.00 will apply.


Adult Feast (ages 14 and up): $10.00                Child/Youth Feast (ages 13 and under): Free

Merchant Fee: $5.00 (includes 1 table)


Pre-registration deadline: September 13, 2008

All checks or money orders payable (in U.S. funds) to: SCA, Inc. – Shire of Midewinde


A block of rooms has been reserved at:

 Holiday Inn Riverside, 2200 Burdick Expressway E, Minot, ND 58701, 1-800-468-9968

Mention the SCA for the reserved block of rooms.



Lady Giulianna di Amonte (Sarah Putt)                      701-837-9120               crown_autocrat@midewinde.org

                                                                   No calls after 9:00 pm CST


Lady Merideth NiShionniach (Merideth Guilford)  701-720-1054                 crown_autocrat@midewinde.org

                                                                   No calls after 9:00 pm CST


Lady Astrid of Midewinde (Kari Andersen)            701-858-9257      crown_reservations@midewinde.org

                                                                  No calls after 9:00 pm CST



Please see our website for registration forms, feast information, and much more! www.midewinde.org


Directions: Make your best way to Minot.

·         From US 83 (north or south): continue into Minot on highway which will turn into Broadway. Turn West onto Burdick Expressway, proceed 2 blocks and turn North (right) onto 4th St NW.

·         From US 2/52 (west and east): continue into Minot on highway which will turn into Burdick Expressway. Turn North onto 4th St NW.




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