Hand-dyed silk pennons Hand-dyed silk pennons

Otsukimi-Japanese Event

Hosted by: College of Tor Aerie

Start Date: 10/20/2007 Thru End Date: 10/20/2007 42
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church
2300 N. Hamline Avenue
Roseville MN 55113-4290

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Bardic Activities , Classes

Armored combat activities as weather permits.

Period games will be provided in the main gathering area, where there will be, so to speak, a Bardic open mic with prompts for period style poems, music, and possibly stories. All kinds of Bardic performance are welcome including western ones.

Later in the evening there will be a period play, "Izutsu" by Zeami brought to you by the Nordskogan Theatre Troupe.

Also in the main hall there will be space provided for an Arts and Sciences display, as well as an opportunity for those who wish to participate, a friendly bean count competition with a prize. Period Japanese Arts and Sciences with documentation would be ideal, but certainly not required. Western arts and sciences will be welcome, and probably looked at with some curiosity as yet another interesting spectacle brought by our Portuguese guests.

PLEASE? We are still looking for teachers for classes at this event. Once again Period Japanese classes are preferred, but not required. If you could possibly teach please contact Angriff at skoc0006 at umn.edu

Updates and more information at http://www.tc.umn.edu/~sca/tsuki.html

Directions: http://www.stchristophers-mn.org/directions.htm


Mapquest http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&addtohistory=&address=2300%20Hamline%20Ave%20N&city=Roseville&state=MN&zipcode=55113%2d4200&country=US&geodiff=1

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