Thorbjorn hausakljufr Halfdanarson called "ThunderBunny" Thorbjorn hausakljufr Halfdanarson called "ThunderBunny"

Revel in the Vale

Hosted by: Shire of Schattentor

Start Date: 8/31/2007 Thru End Date: 9/3/2007 42
15925 Deerview Road
Piedmont SD 57769

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Bardic Activities , Rapier Combat , Youth Activities

Site opens Friday 8/31/07 at 9:00

Site closes Monday 9/3/07 at noon

Site fee: Ages 14 and up - $3 per person

Ages 13 and under - free

Non-member fee: $3

Camping fee: Ages 14 an up - only $8 per person for the entire weekend

Ages 13 and under - free

$32 family cap

Feast fee: $6 - Includes Saturday night's feast and a stew dinner on Sunday!

Tentative Feast Menu:

Mongolian Beef

Icelandic chicken

Scandinavian Pork

Scalloped cabbage

Beet and Carrot salad

Apple Cake




Limited Handicap Accessibility

Site is wet

merchanting fee - none

Pets allowed but must be leashed

Cod Piece Competition

Worst Bard Competition

Event Steward: Lady Svala (a.k.a. Sonja laughlin)


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