Innokenti "Kenya" Rublyov and Alisdair Lockran Innokenti "Kenya" Rublyov and Alisdair Lockran

Northshield Spring Crown Tournament

Hosted by: Shire of Avonwood (inactive)

Start Date: 5/12/2018 Thru End Date: 5/12/2018 53
Marshall Armory - Minnesota National Guard
500 Timmerman Drive
Marshall MN 56258

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Bardic Activities , Dancing , Rapier Combat

8:00 AM Site open to all combatants, consorts, and royalty
9:00 AM Site open to populace
9:15 AM Rapier Inspections
10:00 AM Rapier Tournament
10:00 AM MoD Vigil for HE Robert Talbot
(open until the crown list is completed)
12:00 PM Armored Inspections
1:00 PM First Court
1:30 PM Crown Tournament
5:00 PM Second Court
6:00 PM Feast
8:00 PM Site Closes

Site Fees:
Individual(13 and above):$15 ($45 Family Cap)
Individual Member: $10 ($30 Family Cap)

Children 12 and under are free.

Lunch: $5

At the Door: $15

Send registration to Richard Tate, 2040 Cadbury Court, North Mankato MN 56003
Make checks payable to: SCA, Inc - Shire of Rivenwood Tower

Event Steward: Eoin mac Mártain, mka Jon Chalmers, email phone (612) 963-1783

Contact Event Steward with any diet restrictions/food allergies

Merchant space will be available at no extra charge on a first come basis

There is a hotel block at the Ramada Inn in Marshall MN with a special rate of $89 for a king single or $99 for a queen double.  Rate includes a full hot breakfast buffet in the restaurant.  Reservations can be made by calling (507)-532-3221 and requesting the SCA rate. Reservations must be made by April 11, 2018  to get these rates.

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