Sitting Feast Sitting Feast

Lions and Tigers and Slaves - Oh My!

Hosted by: Barony of Castel Rouge

Start Date: 1/27/2007 Thru End Date: 1/27/2007 41
St. Luke's Anglican Church
130 Nassau Street North
Winnipeg MB R2M 2L4

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Bardic Activities , Classes

Come join as the Barony of Castel Rouge celebrates 12th Night in true Roman fashion with a wonderful day of revelry and excess that would make any Roman proud.

Look forward to participating in:
*Armored combat
*A&S displays
*Roman baths (and massage therapists!)
*Boffer fights for all ages
*Contests of skill, beauty and grace

The day will be capped by a feast of Roman delicacies so please make sure to contact the event steward about any known allergies. No offboard space is available. A list of nearby restaurants will be available at troll if the divine cuisine of the Romans does not appeal!

Fees: $22 for site, lunch, and feast; $20 for site and feast; $5 lunch and site; $3 site only. Children under 12 half price, babes in arms free.

Reservations must be received/paid no later than 20 January 2007. Send to Lady Kolbrunna Gisladottir (Daria Rakowski), 139 Avalon Rd., Winnipeg, MB R2M 2L4 (204) 257-5893 email:

Merchanting space is available please contact event steward directly for arrangements.

Site opens at 10:00 and closes at 22:30 - Sharp!

NB: Site is discreetly damp.

Please note site is NOT wheel chair accessible!

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