Dafydd ap Gwalchmai, Viscount Northshield Dafydd ap Gwalchmai, Viscount Northshield

Rumble In The Forest

Hosted by: Canton of Coille Stoirmeil

Start Date: 1/6/2007 Thru End Date: 1/6/2007 41
Wilton Community Hall
400 East St
Wilton WI 54670

Please check out our Web site and click on Events Please!!!!http://www.coillestoirmeil.org/index.html

Come one ! Come All!!!The Canton of Coille Stoirmeil
Invites you to come to:

Rumble In The Forest

On Jan. 6th, 2007Starting at 11:00 AM Till 9:00 PM

Wilton Community Hall
400 East StWilton, WI. 54648Site is Handicap Accessible and Discreetly Wet.

Site Fees are $5.00 per person, 6-12 years old is $2.00, under 6 is free.$3.00 Non Member Surcharge Applies.Feast Fees are $6.00 per person, 6 to 12 years old $3.00, and under 6 is free.Feast is only Serving Fifty

Please! Make Checks or MO's payable to: Canton of Coille Stoirmeil, SCA IncMust be postmarked by Dec. 20th. 2006. Please!!!Send to either:Event Steward - Kitab beg al Mamarb (Rod Stenberg) 2710 32nd St S, La Crosse, WI 54601 rs@tsprogramming.com or 608 788-6690 (Between 6-10 PM) ORCo-Steward - Kori Redjohan (C. Cameron) 400 High St, Norwalk, WI 54648 cte71259@centurytel.net or 608 823-7863 (anytime)

Feast will be Flat Bread Delight w/ different toppings, Garlic toast and sauce, Salad and Dressings, and Baked Apple Dessert. Feast Steward is Annabeau at mollycutes@yahoo.com and Co-Steward is Kori at cte71259@centurytel.net or 608 823-7863. Check out web page for ingredient listing. Please!

Schedule for fighting: Heavy - Rapier to be announced day of. Both will be having a prize tourney. Melee!!!!!! Themed ???????May have boffer if we can get a Youth Marshal.
Please note: No Showers at this site this time of year. Check out Web site for fighting schedule.

We will be having a Silent Auction !!!! Sorry no room for Merchants.

Class on Etiquette by Lady Seonag, aClass of preparing for a Feast by Lady Kori.Other classes to be announced. Check Web site for updates, Please!!

Directions:Take your best route to Wilton, WI. Take East Street off of State Hwy 71. Coming from Norwalk, East St is the last street on the right leaving Wilton.Coming from Kendall or Tomah, East St is the first street to the left as you come into Wilton. Hall is on the Left side of East St (used to be the old School).

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