Rapier Combatants Rapier Combatants

Northshield Fall Coronation/Sir Cecil's Siege

Hosted by: The Plains Region

Start Date: 9/14/2006 Thru End Date: 9/17/2006 41
Wayside Farms
3816 E Main
Vermillion SD 57069

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Bardic Activities , Classes , Equestrian , Rapier Combat , Siege Weapons , Thrown Weapons , Youth Activities , Youth Boffer Combat

For this years event we are proud to host the Coronation of Gwyneth and Siegfried. Many special events are being planned around this memorable coronation that should please and entertain everyone. Sir Cecils Siege features a HUGE site with plenty of room for camping and all other activities planned. Last fall at this event it rained heavily and the site remained mud free so rain is less of a problem. One half of the castle is complete now and the other half soon to follow. This war is reminiscent of a smaller version of Gulf War with castles and towers to besiege, large open field battles, plus more room for archery with a ravine for a great woods walk. HOT showers on site and potable water. Border Downs will have a special tourney too. Plenty of room for merchants too.

There will be a barbeque Fri night and a hog roast planned for Sat. night. Permanent indoor venue for A & S classes and displays. Youth activities are in the planning stage. Easy access to site from I29, close to Vermillion yet far enough to help the ambience. This event is being hosted by a number of groups from South and North Dakota. The view from the site and the castle tower is breathtaking and you can see a wide expanse of Calontir just across the river to the south. This site is on private property so park access stickers, fees and park rangers will be absent.

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