Brotherhood of the Crimson Cup's  Flagship Brotherhood of the Crimson Cup's Flagship

Yule Feast - 'til You Surrender

Hosted by: Barony of Windhaven

Start Date: 1/14/2006 Thru End Date: 1/14/2006 40
Pamperin Park
2477 Shawano Avenue
Green Bay WI 54303

Planned Activities: Bardic Activities , Dancing

Come celebrate winter the Windhaven way - FEASTING!

Let Windhaven show you how to keep the winter blues away. We are hosting a feast day to celebrate that time of the year that only a true Northshielder can embrace. When the world outside turns cold and blustery, we turn up the heat on the cooking fires and invite our friends in to feast - ALL DAY. No combat, no marshal activities, just feasting, games, dancing, bardic performance, and of course more feasting. You can leave your armor bag at home, but bring your feast gear!

Site open 9:30am to 9:30pm

Feasting begins at 9:30am with brunch and continues all day with one-bite wonders midday, full feast late afternoon and a dessert revel in the evening.

We are preparing a feast for 110, so reservations are required. Pre-register early, as this feast should fill up quickly.

Fees: Adults Members $12, Adult Non-Members $15, Children 6-17 $10, Children under 6 are free.

Event Steward and Reservations:THL Friedrich von Augsburg (Jim Hoehn), 46 Strawberry Lane, Appleton, WI 54915 (920) 739-6416

Feast Stewards:
Brunch: Baroness Madeleine Bynortheweye
Sir Alexandre Blackstone of Yorkshire

One-Bite Wonders: Lady Kaytlyn MacAlpin Wood (Toby Wood)
Kateline de Locwode (Brenda Lorenz)

Main Feast: Lord Balthazar fitz Gryphon (Mark Weiland)

Dessert Revel: Lady Merit de la Rose von Windhaven (Merit Milbach)

Directions: Best route to Hwy 41 on the west side of Green Bay. Take Highway 29/32 west to Cardinal, turn right on Cardinal, left on Brantwood, left on River Grove, right onto Old Shawano Avenue, park is on the left. The Google maps link below is pretty accurate.

Post Revel: at Lord Balthazar's home, 2461 Glendale Ave., Green Bay, WI 54313

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