HE Ceredwyn HE Ceredwyn

Northshield Spring Coronation

Hosted by: Shire of Korsväg

Start Date: 4/8/2017 Thru End Date: 4/8/2017 51
The Hjemkomst Center
202 1st Ave North
Moorhead MN 56560

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Classes

Site is dry and Handicapped Accessible.
Site opens at 9 AM and closes at 8 PM

Site:  $15 Adult Registration, $10 Adult Member Registration, $5 for children 6-16 and students, children under 6 are free.  Family cap is $30

Make checks payable to SCA Inc- Korsvag

There are a number of restaurants nearby for lunch.
The Sons of Norway will be providing two soups for everyone's consideration. A knoephla and a Vegetarian soup. Currently we are contracted for 75 servings of knoephla and 50 of the Vegetable. Additionally bread and some other bits will be available. We will be asking for a free-will donation to the Shire of Korsvag. Additionally as a reminder. People are welcome to bring food for themselves, the site requires that it be commercially prepared if you intend to share the food.

There will be no feast served.

There will be much of everything.  The day will be structured according to the whim of their majesties.
Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.

Send checks and registration information to:

Lord Giolla Mhichil an Einigh

 (Joe Romann ) 3420 42nd st s Apt305 Fargo, Nd 58104 (lordessence1@gmail.com)

Deadline for registration is March 15, 2017 registration is preferred for attendance but not required.

 Event Steward: Kita Jiru Toramassa (John Lyon) toramassa@gmail.com

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