Maddalena da Monreale Maddalena da Monreale

Fighter's School

Hosted by: Barony of Windhaven

Start Date: 2/28/2015 Thru End Date: 2/28/2015 49
Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds
601 Martin Avenue
Fond du Lac WI 54935

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Rapier Combat
Join us for a full day of heavy and rapier fighting and classes to prepare you for the upcoming war season.

From Hwy. 41 – North or South: Exit to Hwy 151 North. Take exit to Hwy 45 North. Hwy 45 becomes Fond du Lac Avenue. Travel about 2 miles. Entrance to fairgrounds will be on your left. Follow signs.

From Hwy 151 – North or South: Take exit to Hwy 45 North and follow above directions.

From Hwy 23 East or West: From west take exit to Hwy 41 South and follow above directions. From east take exit to Hwy 151 South. Proceed to Hwy 45 North and follow above directions.

Site will open at 8:00 a.m. and close at  9:00 p.m. Site is dry and handicap accessible.
Site Fees: $10 adults ($5 non-member surcharge), $5 students, under 15 free

There will be a light lunch available, cost $5.

Are you interested in teaching a class? Contact your respective Coordinator below:
Heavy Class Coordinator: Lord Cristoffel von Mainz
Rapier Class Coordinator: Her Excellency Deidre Wyeville
Event Steward – Lord Iohannes Glenfidanus (MDA Jonathan Foster)

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