Duke Tarrach Alfson Duke Tarrach Alfson

Quest for Camelot XVI

Hosted by: Shire of Schattentor

Start Date: 5/14/2015 Thru End Date: 5/17/2015 50
Rush-No-More Campground
21137 Brimstone Place
Sturgis SD 57785

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities , Classes , Rapier Combat , Thrown Weapons , Youth Activities
This year's Quest will be made up of "Challenges" in different areas of the SCA, including heavy fighting, rapier fighting, throwing, A&S, bardic, and even family friendly activities for all ages. Enter and participate in challenges to win prizes and tokens throughout the weekend.

Site opens: 12pm May 14th (Thursday)

Site Fees
15 and under: FREE
16 and up: $15
Saturday Only: $10
Non-Member Surcharge: $5

Cabins are available for rent through Rush-No-More campground
Tent Camping: $10/day/person

"Meat-and-Greet" Friday evening...Shire of Schattentor provides food - you just need to show up with good cheer to meet and greet everyone.  Cost included in the site fee.

Event Steward: Lord Diarmait mac Dauid  (Jeremy Nauman). 605-716-1713   email: jnauman@midco.net
Merchant coordinator: Ban Ollamh Orlaith Ballach ingen Fhlainn   email: orlaithballach@gmail.com
Armored Marshal: Lord Turstin FitzOsbern
Rapier Marshal: Lady Beathag MacLaren
Throwing Marshal: Lord Doughal MacLaren
Archery Marshal: Honorable Lord Crispin Fletcher
Bardic Coordinator: Ban Ollamh Orlaith Ballach Inghean Fhlain

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