We would like to thank the following people, |
The combatant and consorts in Northshields 10th Crown tournament. You fought with Honor and Skill Thank you. |
The Amazing people of Midewinde that Helped us with everything, We truly wished you all lived closer to us. |
Our household who supported us before the tourney and helped us both train to take this task on.
We are grateful for your support during our reign. |
Clothier's Seminar North |
To Lady Ellen Rustad, Maestra Giovanna for running a great event, to THL Teffan Koerwent for her services as Royalty Liason and making sure Our every need was met,
Lady Elizabeth of Bright Sands, Lady Debborah von dachs and Lord Godfrey Donnarsson the Varangian for taking such good care of us,
The good gentles who created such a delectible and filling lunch,
Lady Rhiognach O'Cathasaigh for being a most hospitible host,
THL Robert the Stout and Katerinka Lvovicha for taking time out of their day to retain for Us. |
Fighters Retreat |
Viscount Sir Tristan and Her Grace Eleanor for a wonderful time and Crash space during Fighters retreat.
Sir Tom for organizing this
To all the fighters and Knights who came out to support the fighting community. |
Boar's Head |
As always, the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr put on a wonderful Boar's Head full of activities, food, fun, and friends for all.
In addition to everyone who worked hard to make the event such a success, we'd like to say thanks to the following:
THL Kou no Toshikage (and his helpers), for organizing and running the Princess' Sleeve Tournament;
Lady Deonysia of Rye for being an awesome Royalty liason;
Nikea deLeon for setting up and working the Royal Cookie Caper, and all the fine gentles who donated and purchased cookies;
Lady Brithwen of Cressawell for organizing and running the silent auction;
THL Gabrielle Le Chevreuil and Lord Armond le Charpentier for their personal donation;
Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville (and all her kitchen helpers) for whipping up a delectable feast.
Thank you to the following who retained us during the event: Duke Sir Siegfried von Kulmbach, Countess Gwyneth Felton, Sir Gunther Kegslayer, THL Wolfgar Von-Ostrand, Lord Ian ap Dafydd, Lady Elizabeth Montero, Lord Seren Cynydd, Lady Masha of Jararvellir, Lady Brithwen of Cressawell, and Lady Rowen.
And last but certainly not least, thank you to Their Excellencies of Caer Anterth Mawr, Alasdair Calum Montgomery and Kateryn of Cornwall for being ever gracious hosts. |
Nordskogen 12th Night |
Thank you to Their Excellencies Nordskogen, Baroness Saraidh ingen Guairi and Baron Ilya Mstislavich, to the the 12th Nigh Autocrats, THL Jutta van der Bruegghem, and lady Eerwaarding Gebiedster, and all of the event staff that organized and provided a busy day full of fun for everyone.
Thank you to the Royalty Liason, THL Petranella Fitzallen of Weston for keeping a well stocked Royalty room.
Thank you to all of those who retained for HsRH during the day: Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville, THL Geoffrey de la Brugge, and THL Wolfgar Von Ostrand.
Thank you to Mistress Gwynnora Loveitt of Linenthall and Master Morgan of Cumberland for opening their home to HsRH and being such hospitable hosts.
Thank you to those who gave Us personal gifts : His Excellency Rodrigo de Montoya, Her Excellency Eithni ingen Talorgain, and Lady Debborah von Dachs. |
Tree Girt Sea 12th Night |
Thank you to the event stewards: Master Phillip White & Master Cerian Cantwr, the Royalty Liason: THL Phebe Bonedeci, and all of the event staff that organized a day full of fun and friendship for everyone.
Thank you to Viscondessa Isabella Falcao del Galinha for making Us beautiful Norse garb and for making the game of Kubb for Royalty gifts;
to Lady Elizabeth of Bright Sands, and Viscountess Astrid of the Yellow Rose for making Us beautiful garb and jewelry.
Thank you to the following from whom We received personal gifts: Khan Omar of the Great Dark Horde, HrRH Ealdomere, TRH's Midrealm, lady Jadweiga & lord Seamus, and Sir Fern.
Thank you to those who retained and helped HRH through the day: Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville, Sir Gunther Kegslayer, THLGeoffrey de la Brugge, Lady ElizabethMontero, and Sir Leif Haakonson.
And Thank you to The Midrealm Royal Family for being such terrific hosts, HRH Stephen felt right at home and had a wonderful time. |
It's Only a Flesh Wound II |
It's Only a Flesh Wound was a great success with lots of fighting and learning all around. A big thank you to Duke Paul of Bellatrix for traveling to Northshield from his far away Kingdom of the West to impart his wisdom and experience in the classes that he taught. Thank you as well to THL Ysolt Pais de Cuer for organizing all of the field heralry, to Lady Deborah von dachs for helping HrRH at the list table, to Lord Charimmos of Lakadaimonias, Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville, Baron Alasdair Calum Montgomery, Sasha of Caer Anterth Mawr, and Lady Rowen for retaining for us, to THL Gabrielle Le Chevreuil and Lord Armond le Charpentier for raising money for Our travel fund, to Kristen Applegate for raising travel fund monies by running the Silent Auction and for co-autocrating a great event, and finally thank you to all who traveled to Flesh Wound and participated in the day's events. |
Tournament of Chivalry |
Thank you to the following people who helped retain us at Tournament of Chivalry. Baroness Alice of Kent, Baron Alasdair Calum Montgomery, THL Geoffrey de la Brugge, Lord Charimmos of Lakadaimonias, Lord Armond le Charpentier, Lady Elizabeth of Bright Sands, and lord Alexander. |
Calontir's 25th |
What fun it was to visit Our Cousins in Calontir for Their 25th Anniversary Celebration! Thank you so much to Sir Duncan, Mistress Seonaid, Mistress Tatiana, and Lord Karl von Frettchenburg for traveling with Us, retaining Us, and helping Us with Our every need. Thank you to Mistress Olga Berabashnina Cherapanova for providing Us with very comfortable crash space and wonderful breakfasts. Last but not least thank you to Their Majesties Luther and Maerwynn, Their Highnesses Martino and Ariel, and the populace of Calontir who were ever so welcoming and most gracious hosts. |
Haire Affaire |
Thank you to those who retained for Us for the day: THL Geoffrey de la Brugge, Lord Charismos of Lakadaimonias, THL Wulfgar von Ostrand, Lord Seren, Sir Guther KegSlayer, Lady Elizabeth of Bright Sands, and Duke Sir Siegfried von Kulmbach. Thanks for the bountiful Royal room food as well as the homemade feast that was wonderful. Thank you to the Lady Mary of Falcon’s Keep who graciously showed HRH how to make circlets. Thank you to the Shire of Falcon’s Keep for the wonderful bag of gifts. |
Coronation |
Thank you to everyone who came and made this day a magical day! Thanks to and Mistress Seonaid and Lady Kristyn Applegate for organizing the event and Sir Duncan for having the Royalty room well stocked. Thank you to everyone who retained for the event: Lord Charismos of Lakadaimonias, THL Geoffrey de la Brugge, THL Wulfgar von Ostrand, Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville, Baroness Alice of Kent, THL Gabrielle Chasseresse de Chevreuil, Sir Guther KegSlayer, Lady Elspeth O'Leary, Lady Eva, Baron Calum Montgomery, Katie, HE Astrid of the Yellow Rose, Lord James Applegate, and THL Robert the Stout. For everyone who presented us with gifts we give a HUGE thank you. Your generosity is very much appreciated. |
Road to the Isle |
Our thanks for Margyt Weaver for opening her home to Us. Thank you to THL Geoffrey, Mistress Tatiana, and Lord James Applegate for retaining for Us for the day. Our thanks for the gifts that were presented to us this day. |
Regional Melee Practice |
Thank you to Urho and his Lady for providing crash space for His Majesty
and His retainers. Thank you to Sir Duncan and Lord James Applegate for making the trip with HRM and retaining throughout the event. Thank you to Lord Seamus mac Brehon for the beautiful map of the Kingdom of Northshield. |
Midrealm Coronation |
Our thanks to Countess Noelle la Chauciere for a well organized job of royalty liaison. You answered any questions, almost before they were asked. The hospitatlity of the Midrealm was reaffirmed by Sir Radagasius Vidigoia Balthi and Lady Ceinwen ferch Elidure O'Denbeigh who opened their home to Us. You have Our thanks for your hospitality and great pancakes!!! Thank you for the wonderous gifts from Our Dragon cousins. |
Crown |
Our thank you to all the participants in our Crown Tourney. You all comported yourselves with honor and were shining examples of what Northshield is. Thank you to Baroness Abbey KegSlayer and THL Wulfgar von Ostrand for being head retainers for the day. As well as all of the other retainers who helped out: Sir Gunther KegSlayer, Lord Charismos of Lakadaimonias, Daniel, Jim, Lady Elspeth O'Leary, Baroness Alice of Kent, THL Gabrielle Chasseresse de Chevreuil, Edward, Tshar, Duke Sir Siegfried von Kumbach, Lord Armond le Charpentier, the two individuals who retained during feast and the Queen's Guard who hefted and toted. |
Quest |
hank you to Lady Sibeal of Shattentor for being a very attentive autocrat and to THL Elkanah Macdonald of Arden as royalty liaison. As well, Our thanks to the event for providing us with a very comfortable, and warm, cabin to stay in for the event. Our thanks to our retainers for the event: Dan, THL Geoffrey de la Brugge, Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville, Countess Ellis and the local young Ladies that helped out as well. Thank you to Lady Sibeal and Lord Steelbender for the beautiful gift basket and to Countess Eilis for the very warm hats. |
Castle Fever/TOC |
Thank you to the Chivalry who fought and taught all who showed up to learn, and to all of the fighters who made the Tournament of Chivalry portion of the event a huge success. Thank you to Lady Isabella Beatrice della Rosa, called Belle, for being a wonderful royalty liaison and making sure we had everything that we needed. Thank you to everyone who helped set up and take down the viewing stand, it gave Us a wonderful place to view the event and to hold court. Thank you to everyone who helped retain for us at the event: Dan, THL Geoffrey de la Brugge, Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville, Friday, Lord Charismos of Lakadaimonias, THL Wulfgar von Ostrand, and the local Ladies who helped out as well. |
Mermaids |
Thank you to Baroness Abbey KegSlayer and Sir Gunther Kegslayer for being head retainers for the day. Also thank you for those who retained: Dan, Eden, THL Robert the Stout, Lord Armond le Charpentier, THL Gabrielle Chasseresse de Chevreuil, Katie, Lord Seren, Lady Eva, Lord Charismos of Lakadaimonias, and THL Wulfgar von Ostrand. Thank you to the Queen's guard for helping set up and take down of the thrones. Thank you to THL Francesca for the wonderful gift basket, and to Lady Druscilla Galbraith for the colorful pin cushion. |
Border Skirmish |
Thank you to Prince Dag and Princess Anne Marie of the Midrealm for coming to share in the fun that Border Skirmish has become, as well as to all of our friends from the Midrealm who traveled to the event, your presence was greatly appreciated. Thanks to Baroness Kateryn of Cornwall and Baroness Kristiana the royalty liaisons for a well organized event. Thanks to THL Alasdair Calum Montgomery for being chef and cooking Our dinner. Thanks for the people who retained and set up/took down for the event: Sir Gunther KegSlayer, Baroness Abbey KegSlayer, Baroness Ekaterina, Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville, Lord Charismos of Lakadaimonias, Lady Eva, Lady Elspeth O'Leary, Lady Eden, THL Geoffrey de la Brugge. Thank you to TRH of the Midream and Their Excellencies Caer Anterth Mawr for the wonderful gifts We were presented with. |
WW |
Thank you to THL Gabrielle who hosted the Queen's Scribal Tea; to Mistress Ia for the donation of a well stocked scribal box for the Queen's tea prize; to Mistress Tatiana for running Royal camp kitchen and Sir Duncan, Lord Karl, and Lady Kristen for helping with the kitchen duties; to Patty Anne for the beautiful Roman garb; to Lord Charismos for the single serve pudding goodness, to Baroness Abbey for looking after the children; to Lizzette for styling the Queen's hair throughout Saturday; and to all the good gentles who checked in with Royal camp to see if We needed anything.
Thanks for the people who retained and set up/took down for the event: Baroness Abbey KegSlayer, Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville, Lord Charismos of Lakadaimonias, Lady Eva, Lady Elspeth O'Leary, Lady Eden, THL Geoffrey de la Brugge, THL Gabrielle, Lord Armond, Baroness Alice, Lord Seren, Lady Cella, and the Queen's Guard.
To the Varg for their hospitality, to House Gray Fox and Shadews Company for their hospitality, to Baroness Khadijah for her gift bags, and to Jondalara for her gifts of jam and cordials.
Please know that if anyone has forgotten to be thanked on any of these lists that your help and service is deeply appreciated and we are sorry that we have not included you here. If you would like that corrected please contact Tatiana at tatianam@ameritech.net and she will get your name added in the appropriate place |
Garb |
Thank you to the following wonderful gentles who have helped Us in Our garb making endeavors, whether it be through donations of fabric, or hours of hard work: Lady Elizabeth of Bright Sands, Lady Faridah Sethna (Friday) , Viscountess Isabella Falcão del Galinha, Lady Phia, Lady Deborah von Dachs, THL Moira nicConnell the Strongbow, Lady Elizabeth Wren, Baroness Eithni ingen Talorgain, Mistress Cassandra Antonelli, THL Iohanna Carracci, Lady Elizabeth Montero, Baroness Abbey Kegslayer, Sarah, Countess Gwyneth Felton, Mistress Tatiana Marana Melville, and Nagamochi., Master Niklos, Patty Anne |
Beads |
Thank you to Lady Sigrid Svensdottir for the beautiful handmade beads she
made for Us as tokens in the Princess' Sleeve tourney |
Gift Basket Donations |
Thank you to Baroness Wyndreth Bergensdottir, Lady Aelfreaeda of Shattered
Oak and THL Finnr Bjornsson for the donation of the music CD's that were
remaining from the "For Those Who Face the Flooding" fundraiser. These will
be used in gift baskets to share the wonderful voices of Northshield with
the Knowne World. |
Gift Basket Donations |
Thrain and PJ for the gifts of candles, gift bags, and spices. |
Gift Basket donations |
Viscountess Astrid for Pennsic bead tokens, Lady Elspeth for bell tokens, Countess Eilis for feather tokens, Baroness Kateryn and Mistress Tatiana for Newcomer tokens, Viscountess Isabella for Gift Basket donations and coordination |