- December
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December Missive
Greetings and Good Tidings!
As the yule log warms Our hearth, so does the populace of Northshield warm Our hearts. Since stepping up as Prince and Princess in October, the level of service, talents, and friendship that We have experienced in this great Kingdom is second to none.
We would like to express Our heartfelt thanks to the Shire of Midewinde for sponsoring a wonderful Crown Tournament and feast, to the combatants who fought nobly, the consorts who inspired them, and to the populace for their support of all of us. We would also like to thank everyone for their words of congratulations and support, We are deeply honored by your support and humbled by the task ahead of Us.
Her Highness will be holding Her Princess' Sleeve Tournament at Boar's Head in the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr on December 13, please check the event website for more details. I look forward to a day of honor, prowess, and pageantry upon the rapier field.
This is the time of year for all to enjoy the bounties of hearth and home, a time to reflect and give thanks to the good things in our lives. This Society and this Kingdom mean the world to Us, in it We have seen many great people accomplish many great things. It is Our greatest desire for you to delve deeper into the areas that interest you, to achieve greatness where you seek it, and to have fun while enjoying every step in the path that is the Dream in which we strive to create.
For the good of the land and its people,
Prince Stephen and Princess Ailleanne
January Missive
Greetings Kinsmen,
We hope this missive finds you keeping warm and busy during these Winter months. As the new year arrives, We are busily attending to Our duties as well. One of Our responsibilities is to find Heirs when the time comes, and although Our Crown Tournament site had not been finalized as this missive was written, We have determined Our requirements and format.
Therefore, We hereby open Our Crown Tournament to all gentles who meet the requirements as set forth in Corpora and Kingdom law. The additional requirements for entry to Our Crown Tournament are as follows:
1. The participants shall have in Our and the Kingdom Seneschal's hands prior to midnight, March 31, 2009, a letter detailing their intent to participate, such letter to include names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. Email is acceptable. The responsibility for Our receipt of these letters rests solely upon the participants.
2. All other information required by Kingdom law (photo ID, membership, Northwatch, and authorization card) must be provided on the day of the tournament.
3. All participants shall have an AoA or equivalent award.
The format for Our Crown Tournament is as follows:
1. The tournament shall be a standard double elimination tournament, save that each bracket shall be fought until there is a single combatant remaining, those two will meet in the finals.
2. The first round shall be seeded by challenge, the challengers drawn by token during the introduction prior to Crown.
3. Each match shall be conducted as the best 3 of 5 bouts. In the first bout, the junior in precedence shall choose weapons. In the second bout, the senior in precedence shall choose, in the third bout, the junior shall choose, and so on.
4. Weapons format shall be matched weapons form from the following forms: Weapon and Shield, Polearm, Great Sword, Florentine, and 6 foot Spear. Weapons forms may not be repeated in a bout.
5. All weapons will be less than 6 feet in length. For purposes of this tournament, a Great Sword shall be any 2 handed sword over 48 inches in length and less than 6 feet.
6. All losses shall be forgiven just prior to the finals.
7. The format for the finals will be best 2 out of 3 fights. Each fight will be best 3 out of 5 bouts exactly as the rest of the tournament was conducted.
For the good of the land and its people,
Prince Stephen
Princess Ailleanne
Febuary Missive
While winter holds the Kingdom of Northshield in its icy grasp, We have greatly enjoyed the warmth that Our populace is so skilled at creating. As always, Boar's Head and Twelfth Night were wonderful events that offered plenty of opportunity to enjoy Northshield's Winter traditions. We are looking forward to It's Only a Flesh Wound and Windhaven's Baronial Investiture/Tournament of Chivalry in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to Kurios Charimmos of Lakadamonias (aka:Charismos), the winner of Ailleanne's Princess' Sleeve Tournament. Charismos fought honorably and gallantly at the tournament held at Boar's Head, through a field of 29 worthy opponents to achieve this accolade. Vivant to him and to all those who sparred well that day!
Warriors, take time to mend your armor and sharpen your weapons, Their Majesties will have need of the Griffin Army at Gulf Wars. In the faint distance the drums of War are beating, it will only be a few short months before the War season is upon us. We have begun Our preparations for War by appointing Viscount Sir Leif Haakonson to be Our General for the upcoming summer war season; Sir Duncan MacPherson will act as his Executive Officer.
Currently there are quite a few openings for deputy officers in the "help wanted" section of this Northwatch. We encourage everyone to take a look at what offices are open and make inquiries as to what those positions entail should you be interested.
For the good of the land and its people,
Prince Stephen
Princess Ailleanne
March Missive
Finally Spring is just around the corner and with it comes travel for many Northshielder's to the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann. Even though We will be staying home tending to Our duties in the coming weeks, Our hearts march with the mighty Griffin Army that Their Majesties lead to Gulf Wars.
It has come to Our attention that Her Excellency Bridei never had the opportunity to hold a Princess' Sleeve Tournament while she was Lady Heir of the Crown of Northshield. Therefore, in order to rectify that, she will be holding a rapier tournament at Our Coronation on April 4, entitled "The Queen Mum's Favor Tournament". Please see the Coronation website for more details.
We look forward to seeing many of you in April at Our Coronation, We will be announcing Our Crown Tournament list at that time.
For the good of the land and its people,
Prince Stephen
Princess Ailleanne
April Missive
As We prepare to move into Our new roles as King and Queen and take on the responsibilities of these positions, We would like to thank everyone who helped Us with Our Heirship, especially Their Majesties Raito and AEsa for all of Their help, support, and guidance.
Ours will mark the tenth reign of Northshield, while We look forward to the summer months, We also believe this is a proper time for a retrospective look at Our Kingdom. Evaluating what we do well, what and where we can improve, and what hasn’t worked so well. With this in mind, We have put forth for commentary by the populous a change in Kingdom Law that would combine Crown Tournament and Coronation into a single event. The feedback that We receive from this commentary will greatly influence Our decision on how to proceed with this issue.
With this month also comes a transition in the office of Kingdom Seneschal. Our heartfelt thanks go out to Meistari Katriona ni Chonarain for all of the hard work and travel she has given to Northshield while fulfilling the duties of her office. We welcome The Honorable Lord David de Bohun as he takes on the office of Kingdom Seneschal, and look forward to working with him during the coming months.
We are excited to embark upon an event filled reign that will have Us traveling the length and breadth of the Kingdom. We would like to remind everyone that if you see an individual who is doing good work, please submit an award recommendation for them so that We might recognize them for their efforts.
For the good of the land and its people,
Stephen & Ailleanne
May Missive
What a fun month April has been, kicking off with Our Coronation which was a wonderful day that will live in Our memories always. Thank you so much to the event staff, the Barony of Jararvellir, and to everyone who made that day so perfect for Us.
As We settle into the Spring and Summer months, We look first to the business of finding Heirs. Our Crown Tournament list was announced at Coronation and looks to be challenging indeed. Fifteen honorable, worthy, and skilled fighters will take the field to advance the honor of those who inspire them. It is important to note that if for any reason the scheduled Crown Tournament has to be canceled, the alternate site will be at Castle Fever/TOC, in the Shire of Silfren Mere on May 23, 2009.
War season is upon and it is time to make the Griffin Army ready to face many foes. Our borders will be challenged at Quest for Camelot and Border Skirmish. We have designated Mermaids and Castle Fever as Regional War Practices, these are designed to hone the Army’s skills.
We would like to request donations of circlets so that We may give them to deserving gentles who receive Awards of Arms from US during Our reign.
Northshield is where We were "born and raised", it is the place We have always called home, and it is within these borders that We have found more friendship and warmth than anyone can ever know. We are extremely proud of each of you who make this Kingdom what it is and We feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to serve as your King and Queen.
For the good of the land and its people,
Stephen & Ailleanne
By the time you read this missive, We will have Heirs….Vivant to Them! We will have also traveled to the Shire of Schattentor to experience all of the joys that Quest for Camelot has to offer.
Our travel calendar is in full swing now, and We continue to focus on training and developing the Army for the upcoming War season. We look forward to traveling to Castle Fever/TOC which also hosts the Central Regional War Practice and Mermaids which also hosts the Eastern Regional War Practice.
In June, We will muster the Army to meet Our allies from the Midrealm at Border Skirmish and engage them in honorable and worthy combat.
Please note that due to the unique nature of the format for Pennsic this year, war points will begin on Sunday instead of the usual Monday start to hostilities. Also a point of interest for this year’s Pennnsic, Northshield will be commanding for the Midrealm, the first field battle on Tuesday morning.
For those of you who are not going to War but wish to support the War effort, We ask that you donate to the various War related fundraisers that will be announced in the near future.
For the Good of the Land and Its People,
Stephen and Ailleanne
During Our busy travels through the length and breadth of Northshield, We have met many wonderful people; all of the hospitality and generosity that We have encountered is truly appreciated and quite humbling. The greatest gem that lives in Northshield is her Populace and We have taken great joy getting to know many of you better.
We have carefully reviewed the commentary of the populous on the proposal of combining Crown and Coronation into a single event. Based on the commentary and after discussion with Our Heirs, We will not be changing the Kingdom Law to combine these events. The commentary process has brought out several interesting potential solutions to the attendance issues for these events and We will begin looking into these options.
We greatly appreciate everyone's effort in helping prepare for the War season, as We finalize the Army's preparations for Pennsic, We ask that as many of Our warriors as possible wear their Northshield tabards to War. A field of Black and Gold will help make the Northshield Army a recognizable unit on the field of battle. The Griffin in the center of this Northwatch can be enlarged and used as a pattern to apply on fighting tabards or for incorporating some heraldry on your garb. If anyone needs assistance with tabard patterns, application of heraldry, or ideas, please visit http://www.northshield.org/resources/tabard/.
If you are attending Pennsic please answer Sir Lief’s roll call on the Northshield Hall (or email him privately at leiffox@aol.com) by July 15, so that We can get an accurate estimate of how many of Our populous will be in attendance. We want to have enough shade, water, muster breakfasts and tokens for everyone, answering the roll call will aid us in this. Our gratitude goes out to Mistress Giovanna for spearheading the shade pavilion project and to all of the groups who have sponsored funds and labor to have them made.
For the good of the land and its people,
Stephen and Ailleanne
comming Soon
Comming Soon
Comming Soon
Comming Soon