Syr Tristan von Eisig Syr Tristan von Eisig
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Aesa in Bjarndoelska Kingdom of Middle 9/20/2003
Northern Cross Dahrien Cordell Principality of Northshield 9/20/2003
Princess' Cypher JoHannah St Jacques Principality of Northshield 9/20/2003
Northern Cross Judith the Wanderer Principality of Northshield 9/20/2003
Orion Leif Leifsson Principality of Northshield 9/20/2003
Orion Leona Bones Principality of Northshield 9/20/2003
Princess' Cypher Leona Bones Principality of Northshield 9/20/2003
Silver Oak Magnus Vargrson Kingdom of Middle 9/20/2003
Silver Oak Randall Kingdom of Middle 9/20/2003
Orion Sean Mac Alasdair Principality of Northshield 9/20/2003
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