Vilku Urvas

Award of the Hearthstead
given to groups who consistently (or specifically) excel at showing hospitality and hosting events.

Awarded on October 23, 2004 by Siegfried & Bridei

Welcome to the Shire of Vilku Urvas. We are located in the Kingdom of Northshield in the Society for Creative Anachronism. We border Virginia and Duluth to the East and Brainerd to the South. Meetings are currently being held in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. We hope you enjoy your visit to our pages.



Meeting time change. Meetings will now be at 4:00pm.

Shire Happenings and Local Events



4:00pm on the 1st Saturdays at the Central Square Mall in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.  Everyone is welcome to attend meetings. Garb is not required.

Project Days

1:00pm 1st Saturday of the month at Central Square Mall. Everyone is welcome to attend project days. Garb is not required.


12:00pm on the 5th Saturday. Locations vary. Contact the Seneschal for details. Garb is not required.

Shire Calendar

Vilku Urvas has a mailing list. To subscribe, send an email, with a brief introduction, to:

Shire Officers Member's Heraldry
Members Our Favorite Links
Photo Gallery Shire Awards
Shire Documents
