This is the home page for Jehanette,
the 31st Queen of the Kingdom of Northshield.
Oye! Oye!
The Gulf/Spring Bash/Coronation court of HRM Jehanette will be @ 5:30 pm central time on April 4th, this year of the plague, AS45 to complete all business for her reign aside from the final peerages. This will be held virtually on the following meeting:
Zoom meeting
Topic: Court of Her Royal Majesty Jehanette
Time: Apr 4, 2020 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting at https://zoom.us/j/230635752
Meeting ID: 230 635 752
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Meeting ID: 230 635 752
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/alzqXKtag
On August 27th the SCA Board of Directors approved and made permanent the variance to let Her Highness Jehanette reign solely and individually as the Crown of Northshield when she assumes the throne at Coronation.
She also wishes to share the announcement that Sir Melrakki made when he abdicated at St. Radegund's Faire:
"I want to thank everyone who attended the event today and express how much I have enjoyed my time as Prince of Northshield.
Unfortunately, I stand before you and I need to apologize for my behavior unbecoming a royal and therefore, with a clear conscience and of my own volition, I am stepping down as Prince of Northshield. This incident has made it clear to me that I am not well and I will be seeking medical care.
I am able to take these steps, stepping down and seeking care, because I know you will support Princess Jehanette and protect, aid, and support her throughout her reign.
I thank you for the support you have shown me."
Royal Progress
Castle Fever (June 1): Her Highness
Border Skirmish (June 6-9): Her Highness
Lillies (June 7-16): Her Highness
Northern Realms War (June 18-23): Her Highness
Known World Heralds and Scribes (July 5-7): Her Highness
Warriors and Warlords (July 11-14): Her Highness
Pennsic (July 26-August 11): Both (Her Highness for peace week)
St Radegunds Faire (August 16-18): Her Highness
Highway to L (August 30-September 2): Her Highness
Coronation (September 14): Her Highness
Missile Mayhem (September 21): Her Majesty
Provost Challenge (September 27-29): Her Majesty
Crown Tournament (October 12): Her Majesty
SUN (November 9): Her Majesty
Tournament of Chivalry (November 16): Her Majesty
Live By the Sword (November 23): Her Majesty
Feast of the Boar's Head (December 7): Her Majesty
12th Night (Janary 11): Her Majesty
Wacky Garb Ball (Janary 25): Her Majesty
Cold Day in L (February 1): Her Majesty
Die By the Sword (February 22): Her Majesty
Kingdom A&S Faire (February 29): Her Majesty
Event Cancelled - Gulf Wars XXIX (March 14-22): Her Majesty
Virtual Court of Her Majesty (April 4): Her Majesty
Virtual Spring Coronation (April 18): Her Majesty
For the most up-to-date calendar of Her Progress please refer to the Kingdom of Northshield Events Page at:
Care & Feeding
Food Allergies: Peanuts
Beverages: Water
Food: Fruits (especially berries, pineapple, watermelon), fresh vegetables (especially tomatoes, snap peas, carrots, bell peppers), fresh baked bread, key lime pie, and chocolate (dark, milk, white - all of the chocolate)
Seafood, broccoli, nuts, applesauce (or other foods of that texture), iceberg lettuce, pop
Immediate Needs
Gas cards
Blank "Thank You" cards
Snacks for the retainer bags (gluten free options especially)
Bottled water
Largesse items (please consider allergies when making largesse)
Toys for the toy chest. Guidelines: Her Majesty is allergic to wool. Items with few small/moving parts and sized to small hands is appropriate. Items not used for the Toy Chest will be passed on to departments that can best use them.
Please give all physical items to Wu, Taion, or Sorcha.
Chiefs of Staff
If you are interested in helping out with the reign, please see the Help Wanted page.
For all other inquiries, please contact our Chiefs of Staff.
Additional Staff
If you are interested in helping out with the reign, please see the Help Wanted page.
For all other inquiries, please contact our Chiefs of Staff.
Wish List
Enameled broaches (14thc.)
Norse chains
Veil pins with glass or pewter finials
Veils in any color made of linen or silk (Her Majesty is dreaming of a beaded veil) - there are some fabrics available, please ask
Viking hoods in black, dark blues or royal greens
Lucet type cording in lengths of 36" or 60" in black, white or golds
Hair nets made by Her Majesty's students in black, gold, or shades of green (nothing fancy)
Please contact Rachell Baker if you can assist with any of these items.
Help Wanted
We are always in need of retainers. Please contact Ziz (see above) to offer your assistance!