This is the home page for Kaydian and Cassandra,
the 27th King and Queen of the Kingdom of Northshield.
We will continually be updating the website with new events we will be attending and new needs. Stay tuned!
Royal Progress
For the most up-to-date calendar of Their Progress please refer to the Kingodm of Northshield Events Page at:
Care & Feeding
Food Allergies: Gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant, and avoid tomatoes
Beverages: Mostly water. Orange, apple, and cranberry juices. Unsweetened tea.
Food: Mostly Paleo (not strict). That is to say, veggies, meats, fruits, and nuts. Prefers to avoid grains (especially wheat, barley, rye), white potato, corn, rice, etc...
Sekanjibin, hummus
Cassandra has severe asthma. There are a number of things that trigger it. If possible, she needs environments free from the following:
- smoke from fires
- tobacco smoke (this includes vapes)
- strong scents (perfume, soaps, chemicals, such as bleach, etc...)
- no gifts of soap please!
Beverages: Water ( cold), unsweetened grape juice, rum (Kilo Kai or Sailor Jerry)
Food: apples, fresh raspberries and strawberries, Dove milk chocolate, nuts, meats - beef, pork, chicken
Extra spicy food hummus, sekanjibin, cucumbers, mushrooms, tomatoes, sesame, rye
Main Staff
If you are interested in helping out with the reign, please see the Help Wanted page.
For all other inquiries, please contact our Chief of Staff.
Wish List
Mugs for newcomers
Toys for toy chest
Award of Arms Circlets (1/2"wide)
(Cassandra has severe asthma which these items can trigger)
Help Wanted
Help wanted to be updated shortly!
About Us
Both of us have been in the SCA for over 30 years.
Cassandra started her SCA career in the Incipient Shire of Windhaven and has held office at local, regional, and kingdom levels in addition to serving as chamberlain to Æsa and Raito. Service is her thing! She also enjoys sewing garb as well as both fighting and watching armored and rapier combat.
Kaydian started his SCA career in a small group in the Midlands (Illinois) called Lochmorrow. He has served on a local level in many offices. He claims to be just a stick jock...but he actually makes armor and weapons as well as helping others to make their own armor and weaponry. He also shoots archery, occasionaly does thrown weapons, and has recently gotten back into the Scribal Arts.
Both of us have served on retinue for numerous reigns. We have attended more Pennsic Wars than we can count, and are almost at that point with Gulf Wars. We've enjoyed our decades living The Dream and look forward to serving Northshield as it's King and Queen. We hope that our reign brings inclusion and diversity!