Gift Ideas

Would you like to present the royalty with a small gift? Would you like to provide something for use in gift baskets? Would you or a group you are affiliated with like to "sponsor" a particular gift basket, or baskets for a particular event or war? Royalty may find themselves using or needing all manner of various things, or may be grateful to share particular gifts with those staff members working so hard to help Them do Their job, or with Their deserving populace as largesse. This also applies to barons and baronesses. Here are a few ideas people have come up with for these uses.

**One thing to keep in mind is to consider using kingdom/principality badges, instead of the kingdom/principality arms. This way a set of royalty can continue to use an item when they are no longer on the throne, or the item can be used as a gift to a well-deserving populace member without being heraldicly incorrect. Or, if a gift is being made for a specific person or couple, using his/her/their personal colors or insignia may be a fun alternative. Kingdom/royalty websites may be able to privide some of this information.**

**Another concept to consider is the travel involved. Is this gift being given out at a nearby war, where the recipient may have assistance getting the items home? Or has the recipient flown in and have limited space to pack the gift on the return trip? If it is a breakable item, is it packaged for travel when you gift it to them? Often a small, but considerate gift may be better received and appreciated than a grand one that presents difficulties. No royalty or staff wants to be responsible for accidentally damaging or being forced to leave behind a wonderful present someone has put a great deal of effort into.**

Award tokens:
    Can be made from almost anything (leather, metal, fabric, clay, wood, etc.) and are a wonderful thing for the royalty to give out with awards. If you are doing a basket to be given out, this still applies. Royalty love to receive items They can use to reward Their populace.

Pouches:    All sizes can be put to a multitude of uses. Large ones can take the place of the basket in gift "baskets" (they pack better and can be more easily re-used). Small ones can be used to make tokens more elegant, and small gifts more decorative.

Do you work with wax?     Candles are a popular gift. Sealing wax in heraldic colors can also be fun.

Do you work with string?     Lucet cords, embroidered handkerchiefs, snoods, belts and garters may be an option.

Do you work with glass?   Glass beads, small glass containers and glass headed pins have been favorites.

Do you do scribal? Try your hand at making notes or thank-you cards, or perhaps scroll blanks. Consider illuminating a map of the kingdom/principality/region with the groups noted on it. Or perhaps illuminate a song or poem to commemorate an occasion.

Do you do bardic? Entertainment may be a boon to a court, feast, or function the royals are hosting (contact Their staff to see if and when your services would be most welcome). Cds also make a wonderful addition to any gift, or compose a song for a particular event, war or kingdom. 

Do you sew?     Try pouches, canvas bags, jewelry holders, veils, table linens, banners, hoods or notebook covers. Adjustable sheild covers with the kingdom arms on them could be a useful as well as showy idea. Or offer your services directly as a tailor/seamstress.

Do you cook? Royals always need help entertaining. Small items that keep well are wonderful for baskets. Teas or candies may make a nice addition. Or, to help in another way, offer to host a lunch, or a royal function.

Do you work with metal?   Rings, broaches, pins, belt plaques, armbands, chains, coins, metal charms, AOA circlets, bottle openers--all can make a wonderful contribution.

Do you work with clay?   Have you considered making small mugs, or tiny decanter sets with shot-glass sized cups? How about ceramic tokens?
Do you work with wood?   Boxes of every size (from crown and jewelry size to feast gear), picture frames, camping chairs, and feast gear would all be appreciated.

Do you work with leather? Belts, belt blanks, pouches, key chains, straps, lanyards, gloves, and stools are just a few items people will find amazing.

What about weapons or armor? Uses can always be found for arrows, basket hilts, axe heads, spear points, forged knives, rattan, rivets, duct tape, arming caps or bags, leather straps or laniards and armor repair kits.

Miscellaneous: Silk banners are both useful and stunning. Tools such as quills, lucets or drop spindles can be incredibly valuable. Marshal's gauges can be used regardless of kingdom. Period games are unique and fun. As are toys like mini-catapults. Anything that adds to the beauty or the fun of the game is a joyous thing! Use your imagination!

Do you like to take pictures?     Pictures or videos from the reign make a wonderful gift. It is astonishing how many sets of royalty can make it through an entire reign with little or no photographic memory to show for it!

Do you like to shop?   Look for beads, metal charms, nice fabric, ribbons in heraldic colors, small scissors, period looking eating utensils, feast gear or fun toys.

Travel kits:
     Have you considered making up SCA travel kits for those things in constant use? Sewing kits, first aid kits, toiletry caddies, and armor repair kits are just a few useful options.

Mundane things of use:   Other items can make great gifts if you don't enjoy making things. Postage stamps, pretty notebooks,  polishing cloths,  sunscreen, lip balm, calligraphy pens,  car care items or membership in a roadside assistance service are just a few creative ideas.

Have no time to make or purchase a gift?     A donation to a travel fund is always both needed, and welcome.

More ideas are better! If you have ideas you'd like considered for addition to this page, please drop me a line!

What can I do to make the royals lives easier?

Often the group running an event that royalty are attending  want to know what they can do to make the royalty's lives easier or more comfortable, or would like to provide a special gift. Do not try to do things you, or your group, can not afford, but anything that you can do to help support the game will be appreciated. Here are some ideas that can be helpful.

Can you provide a royalty room/area? This will be used for anything from a changing area, space for meetings, a place to store things, to a staging area for things to be handed out at court, and is invaluable to any visiting royalty.

Can your group cover the royalty's site and feast fees? How about a retainer per royal?

Will there be any kind of lunch available?

If the royals are having meetings, can you provide water and glasses for the participants? Other refreshments?

Is your event profitable enough that the group can offer to pay for a hotel room for Them?

Can you sponsor a fundraising activity during the day for the travel fund? What about putting a donation jar out at troll?

Also, have you sent in award recommendations for your event?  Look at those around you and consider who may need recognition. It is difficult for royalty to acknowledge Their populace's achievements if They don't know what they are!

Not event related:

If you sew, have you considered offering your services?

Have you or a group you are affiliated with ever considered sponsoring a gift basket? A set of gift baskets for a war?

Again, more ideas are better! Let me know if you have an idea not listed here.