Mistress Alice of Kent Mistress Alice of Kent

November 2010 Northwatch Missive


Well,here it is November already, the war drums are silenced for the moment, thecrops are harvested, the days are getting shorter and we all take a step backto relax a little.

I wouldlike to say that as of this writing our new Prince and Princess have not yetbeen chosen as we are still 10 days away from Crown Tournament. But having seenthe entrant list, what a tourney that has been (will be). Congratulations tothe winner and their. May your time be filled with enjoyment.

Speakingof Crown and Coronation…and Officers’ Day and…..KINGDOM events. My friends wereally do need groups to get offer to host in these events. We consistently runinto problems getting submissions for these major events. All too often we hearthat group X will be putting in a bid but then we do not hear anything until itis too late. If you group wants to host one of our major events, get your bidsin early (the earlier the better).

Officers,this is the November missive. So, guess what…..REPORTS ARECOMING DUE. Seneschals, your 4th quarter report is due DECEMBER 1st. This isyour Domesday report, so do the long form. Other officers, if you are not surewhen yours is due, contact your regional or kingdom level officer and make sureyour reports are in.

Somechanges are going to be occurring over the next few months: clarification onthe 150-mile rule for events; possible update on the definition of a KingdomEvent; an, of course, a new Northshield Seneschal. Hush now, no cheering; youstill have me until Coronation. I would introduce my replacement to you , butas of right now it may not be who I think it is, because my replacement isinvolved with Crown and may not be able to be my replacement. At next writing Iwill give you the name of the lucky soul who has gotten, what I think has beenthe best job I have had in the SCA--Seneschal of the Kingdom of Northshield.

Sountil then, I Remain,

Other missives from the Kingdom Seneschal
Posted by: David de Bohun Kingdom Seneschal on 11/1/2010

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