Lay On! Lay On!

February MIssive

Greetings and Salutations to the good gentlesof Northshield!

I would like to take a moment to introducemyself as your incoming Kingdom Chronicler.I am Baroness Isabella Beatrice della Rosa fromthe Shire of Silfren Mere. Those that know me well call me Belle, and I invite you to do thesame! I have been active in the SCA for 21years and have held offices at both the local andkingdom level, most recently as your KingdomChatelaine. I am very excited to enter intothis new role, though I am sure that it will bedifficult to step into the extraordinarily capableshoes of Mistress Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu.I will be working with Deja for the next twomonths as her deputy and will then step fullyinto the roll. Viscountess Elashava bas Rivahas agreed to remain on as Editor for theNorthwatch until a suitable replacement can befound. If you are interested in taking on thisposition, please feel free to contact me, Deja,or Shava.

I am equally excited to share we have selecteda new Kingdom Historian/Archivist! IohannesGlenfidanus from the Barony of Windhavenhas graciously agreed to take on this role. Youwill be hearing from us in the near future aboutenhancing and maintaining the rich history ofNorthshield. In the meantime, please makesure we are both copied on all group newslettersubmissions. Our contact information can befound on the Northshield website and in eachissue of this newsletter.

Lastly, I would like to share the themes for theupcoming issues of the Northwatch. We arelooking for articles, artwork, jokes, cartoons,recipes, or any other silly thing for our April“Fools” edition (due March 1). May’s themeis Horticulture and Gardening (due to theNorthwatch staff on April 1) and June’s themeis camping and camping preparation (due May1). Please consider sharing your talents with us!

Yours Ever in Service to the Dream,


Other missives from the Kingdom Chronicler
Posted by: Isabella Beatrice della Rosa Kingdom Chronicler on 1/11/2016

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