The joy is in playing the game The joy is in playing the game
Court Date: 10/13/2012 (Court #1)
Event Name: Northshield Fall Crown Tourney
Presenting Royalty: Yngvar and Luce
Reporter: Katerinka Lvovicha
Herald: Katerinka Lvovicha
A report from the court of Northshield, presided over by Their Dread Stellar Majesties, Yngvar and Luce, 13 October 47 in the College of Svaty Sebesta on the occasion of the Crown Tournament.

The court was heralded by Maol Mhichil mac Ghiolla Pheadair, Polaris Herald; Gevehard von Baden, Master of Assassins; Katerinka Lvovicha of the Two Kingdoms, Blawhorn Herald; Gregor Tarrachson; and Orlaith ballach inghean Fhlain, Herald at Large; with assistance from Jutta van der Brugghen, Polaris Signet pro tempore.

Presentation Business

- Countess Gwenyth Felton reluctantly asked to be released from fealty, as she is now living out-kingdom and will be for the forseeable future.
- Master Kenrick Bjarnarsson was recognized as a Mentor Chirurgeon
- Baroness Kateryn of Roseberry Topping, Known in the Bosom of Her Family, the Kingdom of Northshield, and the Barony of Nordskogen -- Blessed Be The Heralds Anyway -- Khadijah, paid her taxes.
- Blawhorn Herald presented illuminated scrolls of the tournament tree, to be incorporated into the new Scroll of Honor or some other book of presentation, as a means of preserving the history of such events.

Awards Presented

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