Marian Elizabeth Wollenschläger Marian Elizabeth Wollenschläger
Court Date: 9/8/2018 (Court #2)
Event Name: Northshield Fall Coronation
Presenting Royalty: Vladimir III and Petranella III
The first Court of Their Most Effulgent Stellar Majesties, Vladimir and Petranella held the 8th day of September, AS 53, in Nordskogen.

Heralds: Katerinka Lvovicha and Kolfinna Hrafnkelsdottir
Signet: Behbin and Cyveiliog

Morning court
Their Majesties took oaths of fealty and pledges of service from any who wished to do so. Their Majesties presented these gentles with a stone from Mare Amethystenum. 

Court was then suspended until the evening.


Their Excellencies of Nordskogen, Castel Rouge, and Windhaven presented Their Majesties with tokens of their esteem.

The Worshipful Company of Moneyers presented Their Majesties with a set of coins based off of an extant piece from 15c Poland. They have an eagle on one side, and a comment about Northshield’s propensity for licking things on the other.

Seneschal changeover -  Ealdred of Malmsbury is the new Kingdom Seneschal. 
Signet changeover - Behbin is the new Polaris Signet,

His Grace Yngvar inn Hepni was politely mobbed by children during the toy run.

All newcomers to court and Northshield were given a mug that they may have it filled with the good spirit, stories, appropriate beverages throughout their adventures in the kingdom.

Awards Presented

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