Mistress Rosanore of Redthorn Mistress Rosanore of Redthorn
Court Date: 5/12/2018 (Court #2)
Event Name: Northshield Spring Crown Tournament
Presenting Royalty: Yngvar II and Luce II
A report from the court of Northshield, held on the 12th day of May, AS 53, in the Shire of Avonwood, at the Crown Tournament of Yngvar II and Luce II.

Herald of Record: Katerinka Lvovicha
Heralds of the Court: Katerinka Lvovicha, Yehudah Ben Yitzak, and Kolfinna Hrafnkelsdottir
Blawhorn (Tournament) Herald: Bridgit ni Casigh
Processional Herald: Azizah bint Da'ud
Minister of the Lists: Jehanette de Provins
Signet: Judith of Northwode
Heraldic Assistant: Jimenz Taionez
Investiture of Vladimir and Petranella as Prince and Princess. This will be their third reign.

The Village of Avonwood was elevated to the status of Shire.

Presentations - 
Toy run - Edmund Sweordhwita
Kaydian and Cassandra - war banner from Gulf Wars to Herjolf Eilifsson, General of the Army.
The Shire of Rockhaven presented TRM with largesse, including bow stringers and beeswax medallions
Moneyer's Guild of Northshield presented the royal pound based off a 10th nature Caliphate coin.
Their Excellencies Geoffry and Sitt al-Thulajah of Nordskogen announced that they are looking for successors.
 There being no further business, this court was closed.

Awards Presented

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