Dauyd Straquhyn & Speranza Estrella Ravenna at Gulf Wars Dauyd Straquhyn & Speranza Estrella Ravenna at Gulf Wars
Court Date: 4/28/2018 (Court #1)
Event Name: Provost Challenge
Presenting Royalty: Yngvar II and Luce II
Reporter: Thora Hrafnsteinn Ornolfsdottir
Herald: Thora Hrafnsteinn Ornolfsdottir
King Yngvar held evening court at Provost Challenge, on the 28th of April, 2018. A.S. 52.

The marshal of the rapier tournament was thanked for his work, and called forth to celebrate Don Martin Mackeegan's victory.

His Majesty chose his rapier champion, Eadmund Sweordhwita.

The autocrats and kitchen staff were thanked for their work.

Fealties were sworn by members of the populace unable to attend Coronation.
The children were able to capture the troll with the toy box and mugs were given to people for whom this was their first event.

Reporting herald was Thora Hrafnsteinn Ornolfsdottir, who heralded with much help from Sir Ajax who acted as signet.

Awards Presented

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